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Product Listing

Big D Floor Covering Supplies
division 9

Please visit our website to view product specifications and a more detailed listing of our manufacturers.
For samples, catalogs, and pricing, please contact your local Big D representative.

Product Type Manufacturers
L - Carpet Cushions: Rubber, Foam, Double Stick Flexfoam, Leggett & Platt, SCI-Tredmor
Carpet Tile Tarkett
L - Ceramic & Porcelain Tile EGE, Lola Ceramics,Mediterranea,
Ceramic Tile Trim Futura, Genotek, Schluter
L - Ceramic Underlayment Amorim, Ecore, Flex-Guard, Hardibacker, Mapei Dens-Shield, Ditra, Fiberock, Permabase, Schluter
L - Concrete Toppings & Repair C-Cure, Custom Building Products, Mapei, TEC, USG, UZIN
L - Conductive & Static Dissipative Tile Johnsonite
L - Cork Impregnated Rubber Tile Johnsonite
L - Cove Base: Rubber & Vinyl Johnsonite, Loxscreen
Diamond Tooling Concrete Polishing Solutions, Lavina, Surface Pro
Flooring Adhesives Mapei, Powerhold, Tarkett, Taylor , TEC
Floor Protection Surface Shield
Flooring Transitions: Metal, Rubber and Vinyl Futura, Johnsonite, Loxcreen, Schluter
L - Grouts & Thinsets C-Cure, Custom Building Products, Mapei, Paragon, TEC
L - Linoleum Flooring Johnsonite, Tarkett
L - Luxury Vinyl Tile & Plank Johnsonite, Modern Surface
Moisture Control: Concrete Slab Mapei, Schluter, TEC, Traxxshield99, USG, UZIN, Versashield
Polished Concrete Chemicals Concolideck, Prosoco
Polished Concrete/Floor Prep Equipment Lavina, Concrete Polishing Solutions, Concria, Surface Pro, Taylor Tools, Wolff
L - PVC Free Tile Johnsonite
Rolled Rubber Johnsonite
L - Rubber Flooring: Recycled Ecore, Johnsonite, RB Rubber, Centaur
L - Rubber Flooring: Sheet Johnsonite, Ecore, RB Rubber, Centaur
L - Rubber Flooring: Tile Johnsonite
L - Sound Isolation Amorim, Custom Building Products, Ecore, Flex Guard, Johnsonite, Mapei, RB Rubber, SCI, Centaur
L - Sport Flooring: Rubber Ecore, Johnsonite, RB Rubber, Centaur
L - Stair Treads: Rubber, Vinyl Johnsonite
L - Stone Sealers Aqua Mix, Easy Care, Mapei, Miracle, Southwest Polymers
L - Tire Tile: Recycled Tire Johnsonite
L - Vinyl Flooring Azrock, Johnsonite, Tarkett
L - Premium VCT Azrock
L - VET (Vinyl Enhanced Tile) Azrock
L - SVT (Solid Vinyl Tile) Azrock

L - Represents products that may contribute to LEED certification

January 1, 2017

Product Listing

Big D Floor Covering Supplies
division 9

Please visit our website to view product specifications and a more detailed listing of our manufacturers.
For samples, catalogs, and pricing, please contact your local Big D representative.

Product Type Manufacturers
L - Carpet Cushions: Rubber, Foam, Double Stick, Fiber Leggett & Platt, SCI-Tredmor, Reliance
L - Ceramic & Porcelain Tile EGE & Lola Ceramics
Ceramic Tile Trim Futura & Schutler
L- Ceramic Underlayment Amorim, Ecore, Flex-Guard, Hardibacker, Mapei, Dens-Shield, Ditra, Fiberock, Permabase, Schluter
L - Concrete toppings & Repair C-Cure, Custom BUilding Products, Mapei, TEC, USG,UZIN
L - Cork Impregnated Rubber Tile Johnsonite
L - Cove Base: Rubber & Vinyl Johnsonite, Loxcreen
Flooring Adhesives Mapei, Powerhold, Taylor, TEC
Floor Protection Surface Shield
Flooring Transitions: Metal, Rubber and Vinyl Futura, Johnsonite, Powerhold, Schluter
L - Grouts & Thinsets Custom Building Products, Mapei, C-Cure, TEC, Sienna
L - Luxury Vinyl Tile & Plank Modern Surface, Powerhold
Moisture Control: Concrete Slab Mapei, Schluter, TEC, Traxxshield99, USG, UZIN
L - PVC Free Tile Versashield
Rolled Rubber Johnsonite
L - Rubber Flooring: Recycled Johnsonite
L - Rubber Flooring: Sheet Johnsonite, RB Rubber, Centaur
L - Rubber Flooring: Tile Johnsonite, RB Rubber, Centaur
L - Sound Isolation Johnsonite, Amorim, Custom Building Products, Flex-Guard
L - Sport Flooring: Rubber RB Rubber, Roberts, Mapei, SCI, Centaur
L - Stair Treads: Rubber, Vinyl Johnsonite, RB Rubber, Centaur
L - Stone Sealers Johnsonite
L - Tire Tile: Recycled Tire AquaMix, Easy Care, Mapei, Miracle, Johnsonite

L - Represents products that may contribute to LEED certification

January 1, 2017

It would be nice if everything went according to schedule or happened at a convenient time, but that is not the case in today’s hectic and competitive world. How do you react when your customer calls and needs a solution now? Don’t panic! Reach for The Now System™ and seize the opportunity to be a hero to your client and win a customer for life. The Now System™ brings into local stock the best selling Big D hard surface products. The system features Earthwerks luxury vinyl products as well as the Johnsonite family of products presented using Johnsonite's Balanced Choice Philosophy. This philosophy allows you to make choices that balance function and aesthetics. Products that are stocked in your local market will coordinate with the rest of the products that Earthwerks and Johnsonite offers. This maximizes your time flexibility without limiting your overall access to unique solutions.


  • Cool Beige
  • 68 White Sand*
  • 47 Brown*
  • Warm Beige
  • 49 Beige**
  • 45 Sandalwood*
  • Warm Grey
  • 11 Canvas*
  • 32 Pebble*
  • Cool Grey
  • 55 Silver Grey*
  • 63 Burnt Umber*
  • Cool Grey
  • 08 Icicle*
  • 40 Black*
  • 47 Brown*

Contract Plus 6.5' Sheet Vinyl

Warm Beige

  • 49 Beige*
  • 11 Canvas*

Cool Gray

  • 55 Silver City*

Warm Grey

  • 48 Grey*

Cool Beige

  • 80 Fawn*
  • 40 Black*
  • Stocked in:
  • •24" x 24" raised round profile rubber tile
  • •4' raised round profile treads

* Suggested Johnsonite colors for finishing borders (wall base). Underlined wall bases are stocked in selected transitions.



The Now System™

The Now System™ is a single source hard surface solution system with many pre-coordinated options available for immediate delivery. Contact your Big D Sales Pros to get a sample folder today.

Return Policy

A 15% handling charge will be made on all merchandise authorized for return, freight must be prepaid on all returned merchandise. All returns must be accompanied by our invoice number. Interest charged on all past due accounts shall be at the rate of 21% per annum. A past due account is one over 30 days old from date of invoice.